Boris Chouvellon: An Artist in Residence - February 2019
Boris Chouvellon, who primarily lives and works in France, will be in residency for the first two months of 2019 in the United States. A recent recipient of the FACE Foundation Étant Donnés fund for artists residencies, Chouvellon will be commencing his residency in collaboration with the Show Gallery in Los Angeles starting in January 2019.
Boris Chouvellon is a visual artist who works with a variety of materials to create sculptures, videos, and photographs. His upcoming exhibition and research project, entitled Cruising On Empty, is a work in progress that is inspired by Los Angeles’ landscape: its roads, its coastlines, and as Angelenos are all too familiar with, its automobiles!
The automobile and the road will serve as Chouvellon’s primary element in the project. Whereas the automobile is one of advanced modernity’s heaviest objects, the road intervenes with nature’s landscape. Chouvellon, like many who travel to see new places, garnered inspiration from his journeys, steering the wheel of inspiration along the way.
Even though Chouvellon is well known for his physical constructions, Cruising On Empty also interacts with other mediums, specifically videos. Short videos of moving platforms gradually build up, displaying moving platforms as part of the landscape and the various architectural forms within it. This action occurs at different points in the work, coming and going through the outside, the studio, and the space of the exhibition itself.
According to the artist Robert Smithson, Chouvellon suspends, and even abolishes time and linearity in his project. Chouvellon confronts different infrastructures usually known as resting places, like diners and gas stations, in order to show how they form an integral whole and are ultimately part of contemporary society.
Boris Chouvellon has exhibited his work in France and internationally and won a plethora of accolades along the way. Be sure to see Chouvellon's work while it is in LA!